Free Quiz for Serial TOEFL iBT and IELTS Test Takers
Free Quiz: "Why is my score stuck?"
Which test are you taking?
Which test sections do you need a higher score in?
Tick all that apply.
Which belief do you think THE MOST about the exam?
"Studying for this exam feels like a fun game that I enjoy."
"This exam is stupid and pointless."
"My required score is an unfair punishment. The requirement should be lowered."
"This exam makes me wonder if I'll ever be good enough."
Which feeling does the exam make you feel THE MOST?
smart enough to figure it out by myself
up to the challenge
How upset are you about being required to take TOEFL or IELTS?
How fast do you have energy to try again after you "fail" or make a mistake?
within hours
within days
within weeks
within months
An "Inner Critic" is a part of yourself that judges you or says painful messages. Does your Inner Voice ever say any of these to you about this exam?
Tick all that apply.
"You're stupid." OR "You haven't got what it takes."
"You're too old."
"You're too slow."
"You don't deserve it."
"Who do you think you are?"
"You don't belong."
No. I never hear from my Inner Critic or another Inner Voice.
Which best describes your level of organization for all of your notes, notebooks, flashcards and study materials for TOEFL iBT or IELTS?
Very Organized
A Bit Organized
A Bit Messy
Very Messy
🚫 I don't keep any notes or notebooks.
Where do you study?
Tick all that apply.
I have my own desk that no one uses except me.
I share the same desk with family.
My desk is in a room with a door I can close to study, uninterrupted.
I use the kitchen table or kitchen counter or the living room coffee table as a desk.
I rarely study at home so everything is in a bag that I carry around.
Which of the following are "ready to use" in your study area RIGHT NOW?
Tick all that apply.
Different Sizes and Types of Paper
Pens in Different Colors
A Bulletin Board or White Board
Study Material (books, websites, a curriculum and/or schedule) that I Trust
Summary / List of the Current Goals I Must Focus on to Close the Gap in MY Score
No. I don't have any of those items organized for quick access while studying.
Are you currently dealing with any of the following situations?
Check all that apply
No time to study
Visa Processing
Moving or Construction
Serious Health Issues or Illness (either my own or those of a loved one)
Diagnosis for a Learning Disability (example: Attention Deficit Disorder)
Pain anywhere in your body
No. I'm not dealing with any of those issues.
How long do you typically spend preparing before an IELTS or TOEFL exam?
Who designed the curriculum that you're currently studying for TOEFL iBT / IELTS?
Tick all that apply.
I compiled my curriculum based on free information and advice I got from YouTube, Facebook or people I know..
I designed my curriculum by myself.
A teacher designed my curriculum.
How do you spend your study time?
Timed Exam Practice
Untimed Exam Practice
Memorizing Stuff
Learning Grammar
Learning Vocab
Learning Pronunciation
Learning Strategies
Reviewing My Specific Errors
Which situation sounds the most ideal to you?
I want to figure out everything about how to get my required scores totally by myself.
I want to choose the plan. I want my teacher to agree to follow my plan.
I want to discover which of my specific errors are limiting my score. Then I want a customized plan that I can self-study with.
I want to discover which of my specific errors are limiting my score. Then I want a supervisor to make sure I'm making progress with my customized plan.
Which best describes your memory (in relationship to TOEFL or IELTS)?
I can remember 100's of small details.
I can remember 10's of small details.
I have trouble remembering many details.
Score reports for TOEFL iBT and IELTS do not identify which specific errors you need to fix to close the gap. Has a qualified expert ever identified which specific errors you are making in your "stuck" sections?
Yes, recently.
Yes but it was a long time ago.
No, I have never been told what my specific errors are in regards to TOEFL iBT or IELTS..
Do you have Memory Pouches to develop automatic accuracy for your errors with grammar, vocabulary and/or pronunciation issues?
Yes and I have been using them regularly for at least 30 days.
Yes but I have not used them regularly for at least 30 days
No. I do not have Memory Pouches.
Which best describes your strongest belief about spending money on TOEFL iBT or IELTS?
It's simply ridiculous because there is so much free information. Why pay?
It's shameful and/or wasteful to spend money on TOEFL or IELTS. The money is better spent on other things.
It's reasonable to spend some money on it... but I would feel bad if it's "too much."
It's essential for me to work in my career, so whatever it costs to get my scores will be worth the investment.
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