"Finally moving forward with my career!"

Busy Mom gets S26

My name is Kseniya L., I’m almost 40 years old.

In order to practice pharmacy in the USA, I needed speaking score of 26+ on the TOEFL test. At the beginning I haven’t even realised how serious my struggle to earn my target scores would be.  I simply borrowed some TOEFL preparation textbook from a public library , tried to practice speaking section by myself and understood that the tasks were not accomplishable without extra help. At first, I got enrolled at some local English language school which was total waste of time and money since my level of spoken word was the best in class of young immigrants. On top of that, I never really got any serious feedback about my performance. What did I expect when I registered for my first attempt? Of course, speaking score of 20.

I began to realise that the measures needed to earn my target scores would be much more significant and drastic. I started my search for reliable experienced tutor who would make my success possible. This is how I came across Jaime Miller’s site. When I first met Jaime in the Zoom consultation, I immediately liked her: nice, polite, organised, experienced, asking the correct type of questions. For a start, I enrolled in the complete Understand How to Get… e-courses and joined live classes, which was tremendous boost on my learning process.

Then I decided to join private tutoring with Jaime. She was flexible, responsible, highly professional at her coaching. I received her undivided attention. I was provided with materials needed to study and clear instructions about homework. During our sessions I constantly heard honest feedback on my vocabulary, language use and delivery, and my accent. It turned out that my biggest challenge was self confidence. But where would I be able to become confident if I never had a chance to work in the English speaking environment?!
Yes, I did some solid work . Yes, it was not cheap. But the final results are so worth it( speaking 29). I feel that without JM’s assistance I would have ended in some TOEFL hell wasting months if not years of my life. Thank you, Jaime Miller Advising with all my heart! Kseniya L.



Maybe it's time to get expert help with TOEFL iBT… and a study plan that improves your score.

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Discover which popular Task 1 Introduction sentence is a “score-killer” and the “perfect” alternative for rapidly earning points and contributing to a high score like 26

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