Study Tips & Resources

8 things to Expect in My Zoom Classes for TOEFL Speaking and Writing

You have lots of choices out there on the big old internet about who to study for TOEFL iBT with.  Today I want to share 8 things that you can expect if you join me for classes. Click play to watch or scroll down to see the transcript if you prefer to read… Transcript …

8 things to Expect in My Zoom Classes for TOEFL Speaking and Writing Read More »

Focus with this Distraction Track

When you take a real TOEFL iBT test in an environment where there are other people, the background noise can really take you by surprise.  This free audio track helps you consciously develop your ability to focus. How? Play this softly in the background while you complete practice Speaking tests. Repeat daily.

Free 45-minute Lesson for TOEFL Speaking

Discover which popular Task 1 Introduction sentence is a “score-killer” and the “perfect” alternative for rapidly earning points and contributing to a high score like 26

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