
Advanced Speaking Guide (6th ed)

Please respect the time and energy of my whole team. Do not reproduce or distribute this program in any form, without our written permission. (Do not print multiple copies, sell, email files to your friends, post special links on the internet so others can download these files, or things which have a similar result.) If …

Advanced Speaking Guide (6th ed) Read More »

Advanced Speaking Guide (5th ed)

Please respect the time and energy of my whole team. Do not reproduce or distribute this program in any form, without our written permission. (Do not print multiple copies, sell, email files to your friends, post special links on the internet so others can download these files, or things which have a similar result.) If …

Advanced Speaking Guide (5th ed) Read More »

Partnership Weekly Classes

I’ve noticed that students who regularly attend the weekly classes make progress 3-4 times faster than those who don’t. Please review the sections below so that you’re able to benefit the most from your seat in these classes.

Free 45-minute Lesson for TOEFL Speaking

Discover which popular Task 1 Introduction sentence is a “score-killer” and the “perfect” alternative for rapidly earning points and contributing to a high score like 26

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