Today we’re covering:
- Targeted Focus + Repetition = Automatic Habit = Breakthrough in Your Score
- What’s New? Videos and Audios in The Advanced Speaking Guide for Scores of 26+ at TOEFL iBT Speaking
- How to Deal with the Unscored Questions on TOEFL iBT Reading and Listening
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ In the Measurable Progress Review, you may see emojis, slang and super casual English. This is not the writing style I would use for one of my high-scoring essays for TOEFL iBT… but it is the way I would talk to a peer.
Targeted Focus + Repetition = Automatic Habit = Breakthrough in Your Score
A couple days ago I was meeting with a student in a private lesson in Zoom. She told me her biggest challenge with TOEFL iBT Speaking Task 2 is that she constantly feels overwhelmed. From the moment the announcement text is displayed, she feels like she’s behind.
The thing is, she understands what to write down. She has a template to fill in. She has a strong knowledge of vocabulary so she understands the text. She knows what kinds of information to find and write down… and her reading and listening ability are both strong… but despite all that, she still has this anxious, panicked feeling that hangs over her. 😖
So I wrote down a simple little protocol for her (the exact protocol which I’m showing you below).
She read the protocol…
TOEFL iBT Speaking Task 2 (10 minutes)
Goal: Practice “Isolating” the problem of reading in 45 seconds and taking notes
⚠️ Do not listen to the dialogue. Do not give a response. Only practice reading and note-taking.
You probably need to repeat this 10-12 times in a row before you start to figure out how to deal with it.
Be ready to “suck” the first 3-4 times. 😬😂💖💖
- Choose 10 TPO’s for Task 2.
- Open up the websites.
- Get some blank note-paper
- Just practice taking notes like you learned from me.
I asked her, “Did you ever do this before?”
She said, “No, this protocol is different from how I studied for Task 2 before.”
I said, “Ok. Great! Can you give it a try and later tonight, will you email me and update me about your experience?”
And because she’s a very good student 😁 she made time for it after dinner and she sent me the following message…

I share this with you because I want you to know that it’s totally possible for you to get all of the scores that you need in TOEFL iBT Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening.
You need to be open-minded and exploring options so that you can discover the tools and protocols that will make the difference for you.
New Videos and Audios in the Advanced Speaking Guide
You can instantly watch and study with my free pronunciation lesson:
the 5 “Must-Use” Words for TOEFL iBT Speaking
How? Where? Just click the green button below. You’ll have instant, free access.
How to Deal with the Unscored Questions at TOEFL iBT Reading and Listening
Some of my students are blissfully unaware of unscored questions (and their scores in Reading and Listening are better, as a result).
Unfortunately, other students are sabotaged by the relentless messages in some online groups about the “unscored” or “experimental” questions or passage in the TOEFL iBT Reading and Listening sections.
I see firsthand with my students why it’s best if you don’t even know about the unscored questions…
But if you already know… And if you’re anxious about them… How do you deal with them?
By reading the article below, you can discover the techniques that help real people repeatedly score 24+ on TOEFL iBT Reading and Listening…