"Finally moving forward with my career!"

A university student from Japan scored 106

Read an amazing story of Mizuha who changed from S17 to S23 after a month of intensive preparation.

In her first attempt she scored 96 (R27, L28, S17, W24) and then decided to commit to Jaime Miller’s program. Her second attempt was incredibly successful with the total score of 106 (R29, L29, S23, W25).

Her full unedited story:

“I am Mizuha from Japan. I needed TOEFL to apply for universities. When I started studying TOEFL, I had no idea how to practice speaking and writing sections. Also, I hated speaking part so much because I felt awkward talking to myself. As I expected, I did very bad job on the exam (I got 17 on speaking section), so as soon as I got back home from the exam, I opened the laptop and searched for good ways to improve my speaking skills. Luckily, I found Jaime Miller, and I studied with her program for about a month.

During that time, Jaime gave me not only amazing and useful tips for the test, but also a lot of confidence. She kept encouraging me that I was doing great. I enjoyed studying with Jaime, and surprisingly, I started having fun doing speaking practices! Jaime is a wonderful teacher that she was well organized and knew what is the best way for me to improve the score. I wish she was my school teacher, then school would be much more fun 🙁

At my next TOEFL iBT test, I was filled with confidence and ready to fight with a monster (TOEFL) as Jaime told me during the lesson 🙂 I was super happy when I found out the result that I got 106, and achieved my goal!!!”


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