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- Format: Audio
- Format: Text
- Format: Video
- Native Language: Arabic
- Native Language: Chinese
- Native Language: Farsi
- Native Language: French
- Native Language: Japanese
- Native Language: Korean
- Native Language: Russian
- Native Language: Spanish
- Native Language: Tagalog
- Native Language: Turkish
- Native Language: Ukranian
- Native Language: Vietnamese
- Reason for TOEFL: Dentist
- Reason for TOEFL: Nurse
- Reason for TOEFL: Pharmacist
- Reason for TOEFL: Physical Therapy
- Reason for TOEFL: University Applicant
A TESOL Masters candidate from South Korea got S23 (total 107)!
Last week, I got an email from one of my students. “H” is from South Korea. He is shy so ...
A high school student from South Korea scored 101
Na-Yoon Kim is from a small town near Seoul, South Korea. Na-Yoon was determined to improve her score and she ...
A Business Development Director from Moscow got 112.
Here’s another “old” success story that shows just how long I’ve been doing this! 😂 Valeriya B. was an ambitious ...
A Nurse from the Philippines got a 27 on speaking!
“I’m so happy and shocked! TOEFL speaking was the hardest part for me (my first speaking score was 23) and ...
Turkish PhD Candidate gets Speaking 27!
This is an old success story 😂 but it shows how long I’ve been helping people in this situation! Seyma ...
A Dentist from Columbia got Speaking 26.
“In the past I was listening to YouTube videos and I was stuck with a 22 on TOEFL Speaking. Today ...