The Deck for Speaking Task 1 responses
“How do I know if The Deck will help me?”
By using The Deck regularly, you will develop your fluency and confidence speaking spontaneously for the TOEFL iBT Speaking Task 1… and you’ll save money by not taking private lessons.
The Deck will help you if …
- You already watched my presentations for how to maximize your score in Task 1 responses (inside the e-course, Understand How to Get S26).
- You keep telling yourself, “I need more practice” but when you try to practice, you feel frustrated.
- The 15 seconds of preparation feel way too short. You don’t feel ready to speak.
- You are very slow when you create transcripts / responses. You constantly doubt if you have “the right” idea for your Task 1. You think slowly. The ideas are slow to come — or the ideas don’t come and it seems like your mind just goes blank.
- You’re tired of sitting in front of a computer and staring at an app to practice TOEFL iBT Speaking.
“What’s The Deck?”
I developed “the deck” in direct response to a common problem that I was seeing with my students in their private lessons with me. They understood all the techniques that they were supposed to use… but when it came time to speak, they had every problem on the list above (or some combination of them).
The Deck is based on score-maximizing activities that my students have done for years. Now, instead of creating the tool for yourself, you can get it mailed to your door.
“How do I use it?”
Included with your purchase are training videos and demonstrations. After a few weeks of using the deck, you can also add on private lesson(s) with me to confirm if you’re improving.
“What’s included?”
- a deck has: 7 activity cards; 4 reminder cards for high-scoring sentences (including reminders for correct grammar); 100+ prompts with a mix of easy, medium and tricky topics — including some that will help you impress a future boss at your next job interview
- demonstration videos
- your access to my private group on Facebook where…
- I share at least 1 new Model Response every week.
- You can find a “Speaking Partner”
- We’re talking about issues that come up with answering Task 1 question
“What’s not included?”
The Deck gives you lots of practice — but there’s no theory in here, and there’s no discussion about WHY. If you’re the kind of person who needs to understand WHY I’m recommending a certain approach to Task 1 responses, then you should invest in my e-course, Understand How to Get S26+. You can add it to your cart and pay for it at the same time.
“What kind of results do people get from using it?”
My recent video interviews from January 2021 featured 2 ladies who used a very ugly version of The Deck to contribute to excellent Task 1 responses. Click here for Olga’s video interview. Click here for MJ’s video interview.
Just a few weeks ago, I gave the prototype version of The Deck to students who said they were ready to focus 100% on TOEFL Speaking and who had already watched my video presentations in Understand How to Get S26 and analyzed my model responses for Task 1 in Advanced Speaking Guide.
One student said that her confidence increased from 3 out of 10 to 6 out of 10 (or 8 out of 10, depending on the day) just by self-studying with it regularly. Another student shocked me with a massive increase in her fluency. These women — who had been frozen solid, virtually unable to speak — were finally melting into a flowing river of English words. It is so beautiful. 😭😍Even better, they did it without paying a tutor for private lessons and without sitting in front of a computer screen.
“When will it arrive at my house?”
Probably by the fourth week of August or the first week of September. The Deck is currently being produced and manufactured. I hope it is ready to ship by mid-August (and hopefully there will be no delays with manufacturing). It takes 3-5 days for shipping in the US, and longer if you are outside of America.
The Cost
Shipping to the US is included free.
International shipping will be extra, so text me via What’s App +1 (916) 620-1116 so we can figure that out for you.
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What others are saying
Bianca Oliveira (verified owner) –
I was studying for TOEFL because I needed it in order to validate my nursing degree in the US. The California Board of Nursing requires the following scores: R22, L22, S26 and W22. I was struggling to get those scores on writing and specially on speaking. I used to have a hard time on task 1. I would spend more than 1 hour trying to figure out what to say on task 1. On top of that, the 15 seconds preparation time was never enough. After studying with “the deck” I had huge improvements on task 1 and surprisingly it helped me on the independent writing too. Thanks to “the deck” and also Jaime private lessons I was able to get a score of 26 on speaking and all the other required scores.
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Ximena Monroy (verified owner) –
In speaking section I was struggling with Task 1 more than the others. Even if I practice a lot, when the time comes to speak I wasn’t able to do it. However, after I bought “The Deck” I started practicing every day 20 minutes. After one week I started feeling so much more confident. Ideas, stories, examples, “if” sentences were coming to my mind easier than before. There is when I understood “The Deck” was helping me a lot. I never stop practicing even the day of the test. This tool is wonderful, not only helps you with TOEFL it also gives you the confidence to present any other speaking tests!!! Thanks Jaime for creating it, I love it!
Highly recommended!
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Eugene S. (verified owner) –
The Deck is the new tool introduced by Jaime recently. I’ve tried it with a hope to polish my skills prior to the final test. So it works perfectly. Every day I dedicated some time and it helped a lot. Those questions on flash cards train memory very well. I developed pretty strong skill for speaking section. Great idea!
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a Dentist from Brazil (verified owner) –
For me the hardest task on the speaking part was always the first one. And one of the reasons is because it was very hard for me to quickly remember something that happened to me. I even tried to do that in my native language, but it was very frustrating for me. Then Jaime told me that she created this project called “The Deck” and I decided to give it a try. At the beginning it was very difficult. She also created this facebook group just for other students who buy The Deck and follow her tutorial where I found some speaking partners to practice The Deck. And after two weeks of practicing everyday by myself and with them, I finally started developing the ability to remember something and just put it into an answer. It not only helps you remember a great history with lots of details to answer task 1, but it also helps you to have great answers on other English exams like IELTS as well.
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Orawan Verner (verified owner) –
Speaking Task 1 is the most difficult task for me because I don’t have many people to talk to as a mother who stays home all day. I usually get stuck while telling stories. However, after I started Jaime’s “The Deck,” I was able to think more clearly and recall my own experiences or events a lot faster than before. It is easy to use, as I can practice when I am cooking or walking outside, or even during a commute. I absolutely recommend this tool for everyone who wants to improve their speaking skills. Thank you very much, Jaime, for creating an awesome tool. I absolutely love it!
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