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- Format: Audio
- Format: Text
- Format: Video
- Native Language: Arabic
- Native Language: Chinese
- Native Language: Farsi
- Native Language: French
- Native Language: Japanese
- Native Language: Korean
- Native Language: Russian
- Native Language: Spanish
- Native Language: Tagalog
- Native Language: Turkish
- Native Language: Ukranian
- Native Language: Vietnamese
- Reason for TOEFL: Dentist
- Reason for TOEFL: Nurse
- Reason for TOEFL: Pharmacist
- Reason for TOEFL: Physical Therapy
- Reason for TOEFL: University Applicant
Pharmacist gets S28 / W25
In this exclusive interview, a foreign-trained pharmacist explains how she found time and energy to study enough for TOEFL iBT, ...
Busy Mom gets S26
My name is Kseniya L., I’m almost 40 years old. In order to practice pharmacy in the USA, I needed speaking ...
A dental student from China got Speaking 27
Meet Liang, our student from China who dreamed of being accepted to Harvard. Liang was struggling with the speaking section of the ...
A university student from Japan scored 106
Read an amazing story of Mizuha who changed from S17 to S23 after a month of intensive preparation. In her ...
A Physical Therapist from Iran got Speaking 27
Pegah is a Physical Therapist and she needed to have a high TOEFL score to be qualified to work in ...
She had 10+ tutors for TOEFL… and finally got S26-28
During your journey with TOEFL iBT, it’s natural to do some “shopping” to find the right program that fits your ...
Success Story: Vietnamese Pharmacist scores S26
Anh is a Vietnamese, foreign-trained pharmacist. She got her degree in Hungary and then moved to America. She wanted to ...
How He Stabilized Months of Fluctuating Scores
Below is another real-life story from Olek, a pharmacist who passed TOEFL iBT with final scores of 107 (R28 L28 ...
A nurse from the Philippines got S26/W27 on the first pass
Meet my student, Maria from the Philippines who wants to become a licensed nurse in America. She has recently taken ...
A pharmacist from Russia got S26 after years of struggle
Svetlana’s story is truly inspiring and I want to share it with you to get you inspired too. What Svetlana ...